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摘要: 商铺买卖手续费多少随着经济的发展和城市化进程的加速,商铺买卖交易成为了当前房地产市场的重要组成部分。然而,许多人对商铺买卖的手续...



1. 商铺买卖手续费概述


2. 中介费



3. 契税



4. 增值税


纳税金额 = 成交价 / (1+税率) 纳税额 = 纳税金额 × 税率


5. 公证费



6. 评估费









With the development of the economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the buying and selling of commercial properties has become an important part of the current real estate market. However, many people have doubts about the transaction fees involved in buying and selling commercial properties. So, how much are the transaction fees for buying and selling commercial properties? Let's delve into it.

1. Overview of Commercial Property Transaction Fees

There are many transaction fees involved in buying and selling commercial properties, including agency fees, deed tax, value-added tax, notary fees, appraisal fees, and more. These fees are required to be paid by both the buyer and the seller during the transaction process, and the specific amount varies depending on the location and scale of the commercial property transaction.

2. Agency Fees

Agency fees are unavoidable in the process of buying and selling commercial properties, and both the buyer and the seller need to pay them. In general, the agency fees range from 1% to 2% of the total transaction price. The specific amount of agency fees also needs to be calculated based on factors such as the location, area, and rental income of the commercial property.

There are two methods for charging agency fees: fixed amount and percentage-based. Depending on the region and specific circumstances, different methods of charging fees may be adopted by the agency. For example, in some areas, the agency fees may be fixed to a certain amount, while in other areas, they may be charged as a percentage of the transaction price.

3. Deed Tax

Deed tax is a tax that needs to be paid during the process of buying and selling commercial properties. According to relevant national policies, the deed tax is generally borne by the buyer. The specific tax rate for deed tax varies from region to region, usually ranging from 3% to 5%. It is also calculated based on the area and pricing of the commercial property.

It should be noted that there may be differences in the deed tax policies for first-time homebuyers and second-hand properties in different regions. The specific details need to be consulted with local authorities or lawyers.

4. Value-Added Tax

The value-added tax involved in the buying and selling of commercial properties mainly refers to the value-added tax on commercial real estate. According to national tax policies, the value-added tax rate for commercial real estate is generally 5.6%. The specific calculation method is as follows:

Taxable amount = Transaction price / (1+ tax rate) Tax amount = Taxable amount × tax rate

It should be noted that the value-added tax expenses are generally borne by the seller, and the buyer pays the value-added tax to the seller.

5. Notary Fees

Notary fees may be involved in the process of buying and selling commercial properties that require notarization. The specific notary fees vary depending on the region, generally ranging from 0.2% to 0.5% of the total transaction price.

The calculation of notary fees is determined based on the transaction amount of the commercial property and the charging standards of the local notary office. The generation of notary fees is to safeguard the rights and interests of both parties in the transaction and ensure the legality and authenticity of the transaction.

6. Appraisal Fees

In the process of buying and selling commercial properties, an appraisal may be necessary to determine the value of the property. Appraisal fees are charged by appraisers based on factors such as the location, area, and rental income of the commercial property, and they are charged according to certain fee standards.

The specific amount of appraisal fees varies depending on the region and the scale of the commercial property. Generally, appraisal fees range from 0.1% to 0.2% of the total transaction price.


The specific amount of transaction fees for buying and selling commercial properties varies depending on the region and scale. The above information outlines some common transaction fees associated with buying and selling commercial properties, and the specific fees need to be determined based on local policies and actual circumstances.

When engaging in commercial property transactions, it is essential for both buyers and sellers to understand and familiarize themselves with the related transaction fees to avoid disputes arising due to fee issues. Additionally, it is recommended for both buyers and sellers to collaborate with professional lawyers or real estate agents during the transaction process to ensure a smooth transaction.

We hope you find the above information helpful.
